At the Bridesmaids' Luncheaon the Day Before the Wedding

Love This One!

My Beautiful Girlfriends

Clockwise: Mitra, Karen, Me, Bahar, Stacy

With Stacy, my Sister-in-Law
I had three bridesmaids and a Maid of Honor. I originally asked six friends to stand by me at my wedding, but two actually dropped out!! Don’t even ask. And, don’t think for a second that this fact did not mess with my head and made me rethink my friendships.
You learn a lot about your friends and family when planning for a wedding. A surprising side effect for me was finding myself reminiscence about life and take inventory of old and new friendships, admittedly not the most positive of experiences at times.
That said I learned so much from my girl friends that committed and stood by me when I got married. They taught me about dedication, loyalty, love and friendship. I was so honored and privileged to have them participate in the wedding. It was very special and I cherish the experience always.
Karen, my good friend and dedicated bridesmaid who planned and gave me the most beautiful shower in the history of wedding showers, just got engaged and is now planning her own wedding. She was a great help and such source of support for me during the whole wedding planning process, and I’m so blessed to have her as a friend. I’m so excited for her and cannot wait to celebrate her wedding.
Mitra and I have been friends since we were in middle school in Iran. She is my soul sister and the friend who gets me completely. When my dad passed away three weeks before the wedding, she took the time to fly to Dallas with me for his memorial service. It was a hard trip for so many reasons and having her with me was a true blessing and such a source of peace and solace.
Stacy, my wonderful sister-in-law, was a force of nature throughout the whole planning process. She was so supportive and helpful and such a great source of knowledge and advice, since she was planning her own wedding at the time. She was my staunchest advocate and supporter, and I appreciated her dedication and enthusiasm.
Bahar was my Maid of Honor. She and I have been friends for nine years ever since we met in law school. Throughout the planning stages, she listened to my sob stories, tried to help with all the wedding related issues that popped up oh-so frequently, and lent a hand when she could despite her own life’s issues and difficulties. She just got married herself and is now planning her own wedding. She has honored me by asking me to be her Maid of Honor. I cannot wait! Let the planning begin.
Each of these amazing women, as well as so many others, offered me limitless love, tireless dedication and a shoulder to cry on when I needed it. In retrospect, I realize how perfect my wedding party was. Everyone who was meant to be part of my big day was and I’m so thankful for that.
Thank you all for your friendship and love. Thank you for being my friends!