Greetings from Ventura, CA
The Left Coast Sachs Family on their Easter Sunday bike ride!
At Weaver's Wine Bar after a few delicious glasses of wine.
This is at one of my favorite restaurants in Ventura, Cafe Fiore. It's where I had my Bridesmaids Luncheon a couple of fays before the wedding.
We loved the view out of our balcony!
Stella immediately made herself at home on the BIG king size bed.
Here's me enjoying the view from our hotel room balcony. Isn't it just beautiful?
So, my birthday was such a milestone that we extended the celebratin' to the weekend. We loaded up the car and pack up the dog and drove up to Ventura, the town just north of Los Angeles County and south of Santa Barbara, where we got married nearly three years ago this month.
It was our first visit since the wedding. The weekend was just perfect and the weather gorgeous. It brought back all sorts of fun and happy memories of our wedding and the days leading up to it. Stella had a great time, too. She took a ride with on a side-by-side bike for about an hour, and shocked us both by sitting quietly and enjoying the ride!!! It was very fun and she was super cute!
Here are some photos of our overnight trip.