On Saturday, September 9, 2006, my closest friend and the maid of honor at my wedding, Bahar, married her fiancĂ©, Nelson. It was a small civil ceremony, and they’re planning a big wedding next year. But, it was such an important day and I am saddened by the fact that I missed it. You see, she lives in “Right” Coast, and I live in the Left. Add to it the fact that they planned the whole thing in t-h-r-e-e days, and you see why I was absent.
Bahar and I met in law school and by complete happenstance. As a matter of fact, our meeting was against odds, since we were a year apart in school curriculum and could have very easily never run into to each other. But we did meet and we did become friends and as time went on, we became more than friends…we became each other’s family. I see myself in her in so many ways on one hand, and a person so completely the exact opposite of me on the other. I don’t know what she sees when she looks at me. Maybe a pushy, big-mouthed broad. But, somehow we fit, somehow we work.
We’ve been through a lifetime in the last decade…accomplishments, successes, gains, losses, heartaches, rejections, deaths, loves, and now marriages. And I’m certain that we’ll be there for each other through all the future lifetimes to come…babies, careers, adversities and challenges, as well as all the happy times.
Bahar, I still cannot believe that I wasn't there for your special, but I couldn’t be happier for you & Nelson. I wish you happy days, romantic nights, and all the love you can handle. I pray that you find peace, tranquility and prosperity with Nelson and I hope that life brings you nothing but fortune, health, happiness, bliss and love.
I love you,
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