Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Visit to the Right Coast

Sharing a Peaceful Moment Together

With the Proud Papa

With Mama B. at Brandon's First Evening out

Sleeping Peacefully


Isn't he just adorable?

Here's our boy with his Auntie just before my flight back to LA.

Greetings all,

I just came back from an eight-day trip to Virginia and meeting my cute little nephew, Brandon. OMG! Is he ever cute, and sweet and cuddly and fabulous! And such a good baby (except the day he peed on me-twice and the nights he kept his parents up!:)) We had a grand old time. I already miss little face.

Here are some photos of Mama B., Baby B. and the gang. Enjoy.


"Khaleh" Atisa

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Brandon's Here!!!

A Close up of the Cutie Pie
The New Telleria Family
With Proud Grandma
Bahar and Nelson are the proud parents of Brandon Cyrus Nelson Telleria, who was born on Tuesday October 9, 2007 at 10:27 p.m. at 20 inches and 7.14 pounds. Isn't he the cutest! This makes me proud "Auntie Atisa". I'll be on my way to meet my cute little nephew in just two days. Dirty diapers, here I come!!


Auntie Atisa